7 Most Important Costa Rica Travel Tips
1. Costa Rica travel can be energizing, however it is imperative to remain safe and secure your assets while you are abroad. Rather than conveying a handbag or wallet you should utilize a fanny pack or cash belt which fits safely around the midsection. This will keep any pickpockets from taking your cash and significant reports. You should likewise leave any significant or valuable gems at home, or possibly secured in the inn safe on the off chance that you should carry these things with you. Never leave cash or assets in your room while you are no more.
2. Possibly utilize the red taxicabs when attempting to discover a taxi. These cabs are red and they have a tag with red numbers, making them extremely simple to spot. Now and again there are illicit taxis in the city and these cabs don’t have the red numbers and shading. At the point when you get in the taxi take a gander at the meter, and ensure it is set at zero. It is conceivable to arrange the cost of your excursion before the meter is begun, and if so then you will know before you arrive at your objective what the specific cost is for the toll.
3. Rather than hefting around your unique visa and other significant archives take a duplicate of them, and leave the firsts secured in the safe at your inn. This tip while appreciating Costa Rica travel can assist you with forestalling a bad dream of postponements and organization in the event that you do have your wallet or handbag taken. The bootleg market offers a significant expense for travel papers and other taken ID papers, particularly when they are from an American resident.
4. Utilize basic security insurances. While Costa Rica doesn’t have a ton of fierce wrongdoing this action can happen anyplace and in any nation. Just utilize sufficiently bright parking areas and ATM machines, and don’t trade money out on the road where anybody can see you do as such. Never convey more cash than you will requirement for the afternoon. When driving keep your entryways bolted and windows moved up, and never lower your window while halted at a traffic signal regardless of whether somebody is attempting to stand out enough to be noticed or converse with you.
5. One Costa Rica head out tip is to keep an eye out for collaboration among hoodlums. One normal method is for one individual to find you while another is taking your cash and assets. On the off chance that you get a punctured tire don’t leave your vehicle unmonitored while you replace the tire. Another regular strategy is for one individual to occupy you and help with the tire change, while an associate is exhausting your vehicle of everything that has any worth whatsoever.
6. When shopping and eating out ensure you recognize what assessments will be forced. While you are shopping it is imperative to take note of that there is a thirteen percent deals charge on buys, and this can be determined into the value you pay or added to this sum. Before you cause a buy to decide if the business charge is incorporated, and don’t be hesitant to arrange. In cafés and bars there is an additional 10% assessment on head of your complete cost. Tipping is discretionary however valued.
7. Ensure that you pack appropriately for Costa Rica travel. Light garments and regular textures are an unquestionable requirement, however you will likewise require a light coat or sweater for when it is stormy or when the evenings turn cool. In the event that you will investigate the forested regions, at that point boots, pants, and a long-sleeved shirt ought to be remembered for your pressing rundown.